Manually Updating a Stagehand Unipolar V6 Card via USB
Do you have a Stagehand Pro 5, Stagehand Apprentice 2 or Classic+ that won't update from Spikemark?
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Do you have a Stagehand Pro 5, Stagehand Apprentice 2 or Classic+ that won't update from Spikemark?
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Occasionally you may find updating the firmware for a Pro 5, Apprentice 3 or Classic+ doesn't work and displays a "-2" error. If you're in that boat, you've landed on the right page! Take a look at the instructions below to manually update the firmware.
You'll only need to make the update this way once, any future updates will happen through Spikemark.
Computer with Spikemark
Micro USB cable - Like this one
Not all USB cables are created equal! Low quality or charging only cables will not have all of the required data pins connected.
A bit of patience
Unplug the input power - the microcontroller will be powered by your PC while updating the firmware.
Remove the 6 button head cap screws holding the front panel and gently tip the front panel down to reveal the Stagehand Control Card.
In the center of the Control Card is a smaller card that has a micro SD card at the top and a single CAT5 at the bottom. This is the ARM microprocessor.
Locate the X10 input port on the Control Card. If there is a cable plugged into it, unplug it from the Control Card and move it out of the way for now. No need to trace it or unplug the other side.
Very carefully lift up on the bottom of the ARM card (the end by the CAT5) by pinching the outside of the card and gently lifting the end of the card up.
You’re exposing the Micro USB connector
Grab your favorite micro USB cable and connect it to the microcontroller
Once the cable is connected, push the microcontroller back down to make sure there’s a solid connection.
Connect the other end of the USB to your PC and open a new File Explorer window. Navigate to the DAPLINK USB Drive if it isn’t already open.
NOT ALL USB CABLES WILL WORK. Lower quality cables do NOT have all of the required data pins connected. If DAPLINK doesn't show up, try the following:
Unplug the USB cable from the ARM Card
Press and hold the button on the bottom of the ARM Card that is immediately adjacent to the USB port (in front of X10)
Plug in the USB cable
Release the button. This should open a File Explorer window for the ARM Card that is called BOOTLINK (instead of DAPLINK).
Once you're here, this confirms that your USB cable is sufficient and your computer will read the card. You can try moving forward with the following steps, but you MAY require an additional file. If the rest of the process does NOT work, email SUPPORT@CREATIVECONNERS.COM with your situation so we can help you out.
Open a 2nd File Explorer window and navigate to the Spikemark firmware directory: C:\Users\{User}\AppData\Roaming\Spikemark\Firmware\Stagehands\Motors\Version-6\FullFirmware PRO TIP: You may need to “Show Hidden Files” to see all the information.
Click and drag the “STAGEHAND6-6xx_FULL.bin” file from the firmware folder to the DAPLINK window. The file will not be displayed on the DAPLINK device - but all is good.
Let the microcontroller reboot (~10 seconds)
Unplug the USB cable.
Reconnect power and turn on the Stagehand
Confirm the updated Firmware is displayed on the Stagehand
If the incorrect firmware is displayed:
Confirm the IP Address is selected in Spikemark
reconnect the USB cable and push the firmware file again
Power off the Stagehand, disconnect the micro-USB cable from the card, reseat the microcontroller and reconnect the CAT5 cable connected to X10
Reinstall the 6 screws and you’re ready to make it move.
If the Stagehand Card powers on but doesn't appear on your PC, confirm the USB is connected to the proper port on the card
If you get stuck anywhere along the way, drop an email to or call us at: 401-289-2942 x2.