
If you’ve reached this section of the manual, things aren’t going well. We are very sorry, but we are always here to help. Our various methods of communication can be found in the Technical Support section.


Deck Chief won't turn on

Check input power connector

Check breaker panel

Motor will not run

Power Cycle the Deck Chief

Confirm that the stop limit is being triggered

Motor will not run at the desired speed

Check the position of the slow down limit

Motor hums after the move is done

Confirm the stop limit is getting tripped

Technical Support

If you get stuck, we’re here to help. The best way to get in touch with a tech expert is via email - even during normal business hours - because most days we are spread around the shop and may not be near the phone. There’s someone in the office from 8:30a-5pm EST Monday - Friday and will return an email or phone call quickly. After hours (honestly when most tech support issues arise) we have a crack team monitoring email and voicemail who will respond quickly to help get you moving.

Last updated

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