Setting Showstopper Node ID
This is only for Showstopper 4 devices
We now need to make an important distinction here. The IP Address is not the identifier for the E-Stop Button on the Showstopper 4 Base.
The identifier for the E-Stop Button is called the E-Stop ID (Node). Each Showstopper 4 device needs a unique E-Stop ID from 0-127.
This means the maximum number of addressable E-Stop buttons in any system is 128.
To set your E-Stop ID on your Showstopper 4 Base:
Press the knob to open the Showstopper configuration menu.
Turn the knob and scroll the cursor to highlight the NEW ID number and press the knob to select the field.
Turn the knob to set the new ID and press the knob again to accept the new value.
Scroll the cursor over to the OK and press the knob to set the new E-Stop ID, and return to the primary screen display.
If you want to cancel the changes you made to the E-Stop ID, scroll the cursor over to the CANCEL and press the knob
Last updated