Modeling A Winch
Winches always look like a box traveling along a track. This box is used to resemble your scenic wagon.
The length of the track is determined by the Max Forward and Min Reverse Soft Limits (set in the Position section of the Stagehand Properties Panel).
The size and placement of the scenery on the track can be adjusted in the Schematic section of the Stagehand Properties Panel.
Parameters To Set
Width: 8ft
Length: 14ft
Height: 10ft
Distance from Center: -27ft
Distance from Plaster: 12ft
Select the motor you wish to adjust.
Select winch at the bottom of the Schematic pane
Select DeckWinch in the Axis Type dropdown menu.
Adjust Width, Length, and Height.
Change Direction of Travel
The example above shows a wagon traveling from SR to SL. Here's an example of a wagon moving Up and Down at Center Stage.
Parameters To Change (Starting from Winch)
Rotation Y: 270 Degrees
Distance from Center: 0ft
Distance from Plaster: 35ft
Max Forward Position: 252in
Adjust Rotation Y to change the orientation or direction of travel.
Adjust Distance from Center, Plaster, Elevation to reflect real world location on stage.
Adjust Max Forward Position so that your unit travels the correct length of the track.
Track Length - Unit Length = Full Travel Distance
35ft - 14ft = 21ft (252in)
Last updated